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Jean Louis Bazalgette Web-bio

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If you have clicked on 'links' you will have seen that I have a website devoted to Jean Louis Bazalgette. You will also find a biography which is a work-in-progress. Except that I haven't added anything to it for a couple of months, sorry. Moving our business and restoring an old building to move it to are taking up all of my time and energy at the moment, and I expect this situation to continue for some time.

I have been researching Jean Louis for about ten years and have accumulated a lot of information. Those who are waiting for the next chapter should not abandon all hope. Anyone who has questions on the subject is welcome in the meantime to post them and I will try to answer them.

Best wishes,
Charles Bazalgette

I would recommend Charles's site as the definitive resource on Jean Louis Bazalgette.

Charles has also provided much additional information for the family tree on this site which has been very useful.

For the further edification of 'Conoisuers of prose and luvers of literature', as Nigel Molesworth so eloquently put it, I have broken the logjam and added a bit more to the biography, namely a prologue at the beginning and another half-chapter at the end. The end is not the end of course, just where it has got to. I will try not to leave so long this time before the next update.
Best wishes

Work on Jean Louis has taken a hit, not only for the reasons given previously, but because I'm off on another wild goose chase. This time I'm researching Louis's son, and Sir Joe's father - Commander Joseph William Bazalgette, RN. This is easier than doing Louis, because there is a large number of naval records available, mainly in the National Archives.

Anyone who has any material or information about Cap'n Joe, which I am unlikely to have already, is requested to post details or to contact me.

Thanks and regards.

A further page or so has been added to the bio. At least agonizing slowness is marginally better than no progress.

ANOTHER page or two has been added.
Oh, most wicked speed!

Of course, if you would rather not receive these progress updates,and just have a look in a year or two so you can plough through the whole thing at once please ignore this....

Keep the updates coming, Charles, there are certainly some of us keeping up to speed on your progress!

Glad someone is awake! The lack of feedback generally is a bit surprising I think, since whenever J-L's name comes up people seem full of curiosity about his life. I'm not looking for compliments, but reactions to and observations about my findings would be of interest.

If you are keeping abreast of the story, remember to check existing text for amendments, since these are made as well as additions at the end. For instance, I recently discovered that Louis had partners in his tailoring business.

Best wishes,

The J-L bio makes very interesting reading and my brother Andrew and I were very pleased to be able to download it as you had told him about it when he contacted you sometime ago. At the time you thought it would be a hardback and we had been looking out for that.

Hi Wendy,
Glad you find it interesting.
Unfortunately it's a bit dry, since I decided it should just be as factual as possible (unlike some previous efforts 😉 ).
The page was created using Microsoft Word web facilities, so it should format back into Word without problems.
Perhaps a hard-copy version will be available one day - got to finish the thing first!
Best wishes,

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